Online Safety

Online Safety

Online Safety in the Data Breach Era Steps you can take to improve your online safety Why is this SO important? Cybercrime is expected to cost over $10 Trillion in 2025.  2.7 billion records were hacked in the National Public Data (NPD) breach last year, exposing...
Preparing for Tax Time

Preparing for Tax Time

Preparing for Tax Time Do you have a system? Do you have a plan? The holidays are behind us and we hope yours were spent in good health!  Now is when it really starts to feel like winter to me.  The days are shorter and the weather makes it less appealing to be...
End of Year Financial Move

End of Year Financial Move

End of Year Financial Move: Taking Your Required Minimum Distributions To save yourself from dire penalties, headaches and stress, be sure you understand the rules for taking annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).  The IRS makes it sound very complicated.  This...
Holiday Check-in

Holiday Check-in

Holiday Check-ins Holidays provide a unique opportunity to check-in on our elders For most families, holidays are a time to gather, eat well, and celebrate the holidays.  If your family has an elderly contingent, it becomes an especially important tradition.  This is...