If You Could Do It…

If You Could Do It, It Would Already Be Done


What To Do When You Feel Stuck

  Something is holding you back from accomplishing a goal that you know is in your own best interest.  You procrastinate, not because you are lazy or stupid, but because there is some doubt, fear or uncertainty holding you back.  The problem just keeps growing, making it even harder for you to take action.  You feel stuck.  Does this sound familiar?  It does to us.


Disorganized Paperwork

Maybe you used to be organized but now you are not, or maybe organization was never your forte.  We can’t ALL be good at it!  But this is a problem that can be addressed, no matter how high the piles of paperwork have become.  The problem with disorganized documents is that you can’t always find what you need quickly.  Bills get lost.  Forms don’t get completed.  Deadlines are missed.  It begins to weigh on you and makes you depressed. 

Late filing of Tax Returns

Perhaps you lack a good system for tracking taxable expenses and filing important documents.  Or maybe you are not skilled at accessing the tax information you need online.  Either way, tax filing can be a real struggle.  A simple system and some online assistance might be all you need to avoid costly penalties and high preparer fees.

Estate and End-of-Life Planning

This is a tough one. 

  • Making a will.  
  • Appointing a financial and a healthcare power of attorney. 

Cost is a factor for some, but it is a minor factor when you think about what and whom you are protecting.  Most often, people struggle with deciding whom to appoint as their agents.  Some have trouble facing the truth…that someday you will be gone from this earth.  But in the end, it is something we all need to do.  We can help you through the thought process or recommend an appropriate attorney.

Getting rid of STUFF

You’ve been meaning to clean out the [insert room, closet, basement, garage or other space] for a very long time.  It has become overwhelming, and you just can’t get started.  You’ve bought books on organizing and  watched ‘how to’ shows, but nothing really helps. 

We find that just the act of hiring help, and having them show up to give advice without emotion, is the most powerful tool in your arsenal.  You would be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Tackling Debt and Cash Issues

Perhaps you’ve been hospitalized and fallen behind on bills, or maybe you make ‘surprise calls’ to your financial advisor to request large disbursements.  Having better tools aids in paying off debt efficiently and predicting cash needs.  Our experienced staff can get you back on track and even out your cash needs so your advisors can plan and thereby reduce potential tax hits.

Get Help

If you have mostly been successful at procrastination, then maybe it is time.  Time to pick up the phone and gain a partner to help you move your mountain.  Feel stuck no more!

For more information, follow Paper Tigress on Facebook or Linked In.  The links are below.

Your financial stability is our top priority.

Your health and peace of mind are worth every step of this journey.